M. A. Maddock is an Irish author, currently living in Dublin, Ireland.

About the author

Asking an Irish person to write a ‘few’ words about themselves is, to put it mildly, almost impossible! But, here goes … My name is Miriam, and I was born and raised in Dublin, Ireland. Having dabbled in other “interests” over the years (I won’t bore you), in the background, however, I was always an avid reader, with words constantly floating around in my mind yet doing nothing about them—in a literary sense. I always said I’d write a book, but never seemed to get around to it. I think the mere thought of putting those words—along with my imagination—to literary use was daunting, thus always putting it off. That is, until 2011. After doing several writing courses, I finally took the plunge and picked up that pen and notebook (still have them, too!). I began to string those words into sentences, which evolved into paragraphs, eventually filling the pages of what would become my first novel—The Sixth Amulet – Book One. Everyone has a story to tell—a potential book tucked away inside them, just dying to get out. All that’s needed to create it is a simple recipe: a pen and a notebook. So, open your mind and let your imagination roam through the endless possibilities it has … and then write! I hope you enjoyed A Flutter on the Wind. I am currently in the throes of writing book four (untitled). But big books do take time to write, especially when “life” gets in the way. So, do bear with me. In the meantime, and if you’re inclined, the Audiobooks of The Sixth Amulet and The Moon Chasers (Book Two) are available now. All books and audiobooks are available via the links provided. Finally, I want to thank you for your ongoing support. It is much appreciated—more than you know.

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The Sixth Amulet

In the realm of my soul, I believe him to be a great Ruler.

Scotland: 1564
Deep within the bowels of Elboru, it waits—an immense force—locked inside a sacred stone, destined to give its bearer the power to be a formidable Ruler. It belongs to just one—the Magus—Lord of all Warlocks—and he belongs to it. But the world of mortals has been overshadowed by a menace: an evil entity that would have it to dominate and destroy all that is good. And yet, all is not lost. From within this stone, a light is about to re-ignite by innocence, instilling hope into the hearts of those who would risk everything, to see it placed in the hands of the chosen one—to see it shine beyond the darkness.

The Moon Chasers

She awakens beneath the inky depths, stirred by the moon’s ghostly hue as it moves, spreading her curse across the water; it shimmers and reaches down to her, through the gloom. Her eyes open, touched by it. Like a black split in wood, her mouth moves to a smile, and she rises—the call of death seducing her as she breaks the surface...
Eilidh Stiúbhar - Seanchaidh á Peairt

Scotland: 1630
Having accepted his fate, Gillis Shaw embarks on his journey towards an unknown future that will dramatically change his life. But the would-be Magus knows he is not yet prepared for the monumental role that awaits him. With his sister, Eleanor, still missing, his journey becomes increasingly challenging, altering the precious time he has left to reach Elboru and claim what his rightfully his: the Shenn amulet. But Gill is not alone … With his protectors, Reece, Asai, Tam and Kai, by his side, he is determined to rescue Eleanor first. But events are about to take a dramatic turn when they meet Daine, a Highland guide with his own agenda. This crossing of paths throws chaos on their desperate task when they realise, they have yet to face the treacherous Cordhu Pass.

A Flutter on the Wind

I give you this place—this haven—the heart of Elboru, and I shall call it, The Great Hall of Eminence. It is the ethos of who we are and will remain so for as long as the universe exists. Here, only peace shall dwell alongside the spirits of the great ones who, when time dictates, will glorify within the sanctity of its solitude, for eternity. Together, they will silently reign inside its grandeur while quietly watching those who will follow after and carry on our traditions. But take heed … do not let the stain of evil mark this sacred place – for sacred it is … and shall remain so, henceforth.

Scotland: 1630
Still reeling from the turbulent events at the accursed Cordhu Pass, Gill and his companions press on in their search of his sister, Eleanor, who remains L’Ordana’s prisoner. But Elboru beckons the would-be Magus, who must heed the calling. However, when Gill faces a near- to-impossible task at the volatile Paths of Lome, an unexpected and life-threatening twist of fate changes everything …



A tapestry of familiar mythology - and wholly original creations - weaved through a world you'll happily get lost in. A story that truly sings.

Gavin Gardiner

Author of For Rye and The Last Testament of Crighton Smythe

A sumptuous slow burn of a book, in the grand style of epic fantasy, that consumes its reader and transports them to another place and time.

Julia Blake

Author of Erinsmore and The Forest ~ a tale of old magic ~

An epic historical fantasy read, enriched with unique and wonderful characters whose journey will keep you hooked from beginning to end. Maddock has an eye for detail through her incredible imagination. So glad this is a series; one book is not enough!

Sarah O'Neill

Author of Deadly Obsession and Fatal Beliefs

Masterfully weaved together, with such great flair, you can't help but immerse yourself in the fantastical world M. A. Maddock has created. The diverse locations along with her motley cast of misfits will hold your attention from the start. The Sixth Amulet is an epic fantasy (historical) fiction read that packs a punch.

Emma Moohan


Balloch Castle

